Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Just Wow!

Ice skating with beautiful Vienna as the back drop was just simply magical.  The kids were overjoyed and the cold didn't even bother at 0.4 degrees Celsius. Besides the three huge rinks with music from a local radio station, there were frozen trails though lit trees.  Couples held hands.  Kids fell and laughed it off.  As long as I was skating I was completely under this spell of the Wiener Eistraum (Viennese Ice Dream).
In fact, I just deleted most of this post and I am not going to record here all of my cynical thoughts as I really don't think they bear remembering.   So, there. I learned from my friend Beth via a used clothes salesman from Dallas..."No buts.  Just wow."  Enjoy the photos.  Feel the fun.

Maya did this captioning.  
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1 comment:

  1. Magical indeed! And you, in that cold! Looks lovely and wonderful.
