Thursday, April 4, 2013


Today we went to the Military History Museum (Heeresgeschichtliches Museum).
As usual, it was even more interesting than I thought it would be.  War stuffs from the last few hundred years.
Above is the car that Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in, starting WWI.  

Anti-communist Posters

Anti-lots-of-folks poster.

After WWII, Vienna was divided into 4 zones controlled by the Russians, British, Americans, and French.

Austro-Hungarian era helmet

Yes he wore that.

This is a statue of Eugene of Savoy- remember him from the Belvedere?  Great military mind who helped defeat the Turks in 1683 among other things. Had the Belvedere built as his summer palace.

The museum is housed in the old "Arsenal" which is a gorgeous, Byzantine-inspired building.

Loosely translated: "Always as it was in Aspern" (where Napoleon lost his first battle in a long time)
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1 comment:

  1. Now Baron would be the one to spend hours in the war museum. Fascinating,all of these.
