Friday, January 4, 2013

Around the Block: Timewarp in the Turkenshanz (Park)

After a sleepless night for all but the teenager, we got out and about the neighborhood a bit while periodically welcoming students.  Jarrod brought chocolate croissants to get us all out of bed. (I love Vienna)                  Photos:  Partially frozen pond where ducks alternatively ice-skate and swim; Gabe finds the best climbing tree in the park; The marshmallow bushes; playgrounds with equipment that is still fun for big kids; The Flow house. 

The photo not taken: There is a timewarp in the Turkenschanz....a woman ten years older than Maya, same purple, fur-trimmed, down coat, long blond hair, leggings and boots hugging her boyfriend, playing on her tablet, watching her dog in the enclosed dog area.  Bizarre.

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  1. these first pics and the chill I see in the air. And a playground! I would play on that playground!

  2. Beautiful! Miss my Maya already. So glad to hear all is well with family. Tell Maya hello and miss seeing her already.
