Tuesday, January 8, 2013

It's SnoWien!

We awoke to falling snow again this morning, and this time it stuck.  We spent the morning homeschooling.  Then the kids spent the afternoon making a snow man, snow desserts, and sledding in the park.  I took the camera on a walking tour with the students.  As I looked through the few photos I actually took my gloves off (on this 31 degree day) for, I noticed that many were of covered walkways---At the university (photo3 here), outside a chocolate shop--two stories of chocolate (photo4), and outside the Italian church (photo5).  The Italian church has a mosaic reproduction of the last supper that was commissioned by Napoleon.  It took seven years to make, by which time Napoleon was in no position to buy it, so the ruling Hapsburg did and gave it to the Italian church in town.  But I really liked the walkway outside the church.

And the last photo is of one of the domes on the Hofburg just because I thought that by May it may be hard to remember what it looked with with snow.

Also, there is a link to Maya's blog (WhitKitWanders) below.  Please visit it and comment.  She really enjoys the comments.

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1 comment:

  1. Snow...archways...are you doing architecture? Please do tell how the homeschooling is going. Oh, and we miss you guys!
